Public Documents


Thabazimbi Iron Ore Mine (Pty) Ltd Social and Labour Plan

The draft SLP and other documents are available for download below. A printed copy of the draft SLP can be viewed at the Thabazimbi Public Library, 4th Avenue, Thabazimbi. Interested and affected parties are also invited to attend a Public Open Day as follows:

Venue: Thabazimbi Bioscope Hall, 11 Jordaan Street, Thabazimbi
Date: Thursday, 4 April 2024
Time: Any time between 11:30 – 18:30

For more information, please contact the Public Participation Office at comment@evasolutions.co.za or 076 677 1235

ArcelorMittal - Draft SLP for comment


This Social and Labour Plan (SLP) has been developed as a result of consultation with a range of stakeholders, including provincial and local government, the business sector, communities, employees and employee representatives.

ArcelorMittal - Letter Setswana


Lekwalo leno le itsise batsayakarolo ba ba amegang le ba ba kgatlhegang (I&APs) gore Thabazimbi Iron Ore Mine (Pty) Ltd (Moepo wa Manya a Tshipi wa Thabazimbi), setlamo sa ArcelorMittal South Africa ga jaana e mo tsamaisong ya go sekaseka Leano la y...

ArcelorMittal - Letter English


This letter serves to notify interested and affected parties (I&APs) that Thabazimbi Iron Ore Mine (Pty) Ltd (Thabazimbi Iron Ore Mine), a subsidiary of ArcelorMittal South Africa is currently in the process of reviewing its Social and Labour Plan (...

ArcelorMittal - Letter Afrikaans


Hierdie brief dien om belanghebbende en geaffekteerde partye (B&GP'e) in kennis te stel dat Thabazimbi Iron Ore Mine (Edms) Bpk (Thabazimbi Iron Ore Mine), 'n filiaal van ArcelorMittal Suid-Afrika tans besig is om die Myn se maatskaplike en arbeidsp...

ArcelorMittal - Registration and Comment Sheet Setswana


Thabazimbi Iron Ore Mine (Pty) Ltd, Leano La Loago Le La Badiri (2024-2028) Pampiri Ya Go Ikwadisa Le Go Akgela

ArcelorMittal - Registration and Comment Sheet English


Thabazimbi Iron Ore Mine (Pty) Ltd, Social And Labour Plan (2024-2028)- Registration And Comment Sheet.

ArcelorMittal - Registration and Comment Sheet Afrikaans


Thabazimbi Iron Ore Mine (Pty) Ltd, Maatskaplike En Arbeidsplan (2024-2028) Registrasie- En Kommentaarblad

ArcelorMittal - Site Notice /Newspaper Advert


ArcelorMittal - Site Notice / Newspaper Advert

Summary of Draft SLP for Comment - Setswana


Leano la Loago le la Badiri la Moepo wa Manya a Tshipi wa Thabazimbi - TshobokanyoyaMokwalowaSLP gore go tshwaelweka one

Summary of Draft SLP for Comment - English


Thabazimbi Iron Ore Mine Social and Labour Plan - Summary of draft SLP for comment.

Summary of Draft SLP for Comment - Afrikaans


Thabazimbi Ysterertsmyn Maatskaplike en Arbeidsplan - Opsomming van konsep SLP vir kommentaar.


Your comments are an important part of the above referenced SLP review process. We would like to encourage you to register as an interested and affected party so that we can keep you informed of progress with the SLP review process. Kindly note that this registration and comment sheet will become a public record to be disseminated to competent and commenting authorities. This information could be requested by third parties under the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000 (PAIA).



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